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eisenhower interstate造句

  • Construction began in 1952, several years before the Eisenhower Interstate System was funded.
  • Q : When did interstate highways become named the Eisenhower Interstate System, and why?
  • _The Eisenhower interstate system requires that one mile in every five must be straight.
  • Q : I have seen the signs on the Interstates stating it is the Eisenhower Interstate System.
  • Q : I recently noticed signs on an interstate highway that said " Eisenhower Interstate System ."
  • A : That designation refers to Hawaii's participation in the Eisenhower Interstate Highway System ( more than 42, 000 miles ).
  • During the construction of the Eisenhower Interstate highway system in the 1950s Jackson Ward was split in two, much to the detriment of the neighborhood.
  • The creation of Interstate 95 under the Eisenhower Interstate System required demolition of existing buildings and severed the region's historical connection to the waterfront.
  • Q : While on a road trip, I noticed a green sign with five stars that reads : " The Eisenhower Interstate System . " Can you shed some light on this?
  • A similar complex systems approach in a completely different application is successfully embodied in the Eisenhower Interstate Highway System, though what is transported in NCPS is information, not cars and trucks.
  • It's difficult to see eisenhower interstate in a sentence. 用eisenhower interstate造句挺难的
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